Naagin (shape shifting female snake) is a story of love and revenge. Naagin delves into the life of Ritik. Shivanya is stuck between two extreme emotions -- love and vengeance. Shivanya's friend, Sesa is her support system, but she has an ulterior motive that no one knows about. The constant conflict between love and revenge drive these protagonists together as their lives clas...
7.0 窗中麗人
2021 海外簡介:Nalan is a beautiful young woman who earns everyone's love at first sight with her warmth. As the only child of the family enlarged hand baby, baby roses, lived in the existence of life and Nalan graduated with honors the best schools, Turkey finds's largest hotel chain, which Koroglu company as an architect at running than himself Sedat Koroglu' with marriage Eve. Although Nal... -
10.0 審判第一季
2021 海外簡介:Ceylin 和Ilgaz是兩個對維護正義抱有相同熱情,但選擇的途徑和方法卻完全相反的年輕人。Ilgaz是守規(guī)矩、誠實且嚴(yán)格的檢察官,而Ceylin則完全相反,她是一個沒有邊界和規(guī)則,不按常理出牌的律師。他們的立場和處事差異,使得每次他們在工作上有所交集時,總會發(fā)生意見沖突。 這天,拾荒人照常在垃圾箱尋找可以變賣的廢品,不料發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個裝著年輕女性尸體的行李箱。 檢察官Ilgaz前往現(xiàn)場了解情況,他的父親也正好是這樁案子的負(fù)責(zé)警官。殊不知這個案子將給他們家?guī)砭薮蟮拇驌簟牡艿??nar被列為本案的首要嫌疑人。 Ilgaz必須聘請一位優(yōu)秀的律師來幫助弟弟??nar,他不得不求助于律師Ceylin。因為Ilgaz在工作中難免樹敵,而叛逆的Ceylin天不怕地不怕,不畏強權(quán),正是給弟弟辯護的最好人選。Ceylin會接下這個案子,幫助Ilgaz和他的家人... -
7.0 穿越大盜
1.0 帝國的崛起:奧斯曼第二季
4.0 成年人的謊言生活
5.0 極地暗殺第二季