9.0 夢回追兇
10.0 夢游者
2017 恐怖簡介:Troubled by bouts of sleepwalking and disturbing nightmares, graduate student Sarah Foster goes to her university sleep research center for help. But when she wakes up after her first night of being monitored, the world she lives in seems to have changed in subtle, Twilight-Zone-esque ways. -
8.0 夢魘
4.0 夢魘三
7.0 夢魘瘋人院
2005 恐怖簡介:備受夢魘折磨的年輕男子讓·伯洛特(帕沃·里斯卡 Pavel Liska飾)反復做著同樣一個夢境:兩個惡魔闖進他的臥室,把他推進了瘋人院。心力憔悴的伯洛特偶遇神秘侯爵馬奎斯(楊·特里斯加 Jan Triska飾)。這個揚言要救治伯洛特的怪異侯爵,引誘伯洛特來到一間陰森恐怖的瘋人院。黏著的空氣,病態(tài)的瘋人,黑暗之中穿插的“生肉表演”以及一系列令人作嘔的放蕩作為,讓失魂落魄的伯洛特徹底崩潰了。當他從看似純美的護士夏洛特(安娜·吉賽羅娃 Anna Geislerová飾)口中得知院長和侯爵的丑惡的面目時,這場煉獄般的噩夢才剛剛開始。 這部由捷克電影和動畫大師楊·史云梅耶創(chuàng)作的超現(xiàn)實主義作品《夢魘瘋人院》,榮獲2005年皮爾森電影節(jié)最佳影片,2006年捷克金獅獎最佳藝術指導、海報設計等獎項,并代表捷克參加2007年奧斯卡最佳外語片的角逐。史云梅耶在開篇就警告世... -
7.0 棺材2
2017 恐怖簡介:After years on the run, the mystery man known as "Trick" is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds himself trapped in a cage with four other hostages - all of them paralyzed from the neck down. When Trick realizes that one of the other hostages is an old foe, Detective Epperson, the two begin working together to uncover the connection between them and their captor - a mask...