They call him The Sniffer. He's the proud owner of an extraordinarily acute sense of smell. He can detect things about you that you desperately want to conceal. He'll find that needle in the haystack. Don't ever doubt his extraordinary skills! But the truth is that his sense of smell is as much a curse as it is a gift. This guy can solve a mystery by having a single sniff aroun...
3.0 熟女鎮(zhèn)第四季
7.0 怪誕星球
6.0 熟女鎮(zhèn)第五季
1.0 怪胎與書呆
1999 美國簡介:故事背景為80年代的美國,底特律郊外一所私立高中里,有這么兩種學(xué)生:怪胎和書呆。怪胎游手好閑、惹是生非,書呆懦弱無能,只會讀書。Lindsay(琳達·卡德里尼 Linda Cardellini 飾)學(xué)習(xí)成績拔尖,因為不想被劃入“書呆”行列,她主動結(jié)識了幾個“怪胎”,成為他們的朋友。她的弟弟Sam(約翰·弗朗西斯·達利 John Francis Daley 飾)是個不折不扣的書呆,不僅本人軟弱無能,還交了一群同樣怯懦的書呆朋友。 學(xué)校里形形色色的學(xué)生都要面對他們各自的成長煩惱,Lindsay每日要面對家庭和學(xué)校的雙重管教,Sam每日要忍受學(xué)校小流氓的滋擾。這是一個真實的故事,一個關(guān)于成長的故事,叛逆的怪胎和怪異的書呆,他們的生活在每一個高中校園里上演,折射出每一個人的青春。 -
4.0 數(shù)字追兇第六季
5.0 別名格蕾絲