故事發(fā)生在位于科羅拉多州的博爾德市,裴森(阿伊拉·科爾 Ayla Kell 飾)、勞倫(卡茜·瑟波 Cassie Scerbo 飾)和凱麗(妮可·蓋爾·安德森 Nicole Gale Anderson 飾)是巖石體操館的三名種子選手,這間訓練館向體操界輸送了許多冉冉升起的明星隊員,而這三位姑娘是團隊中的佼佼者,極有可能獲得參加全國大賽的資格。
然而,當一位名為艾米麗(切爾西·漢德勒 Chelsea Hobbs 飾)的新成員加入她們的訓練隊伍后,一切都發(fā)生了變化。艾米麗在極短的時間內憑借著強大的實力征服了教練馬蒂(埃里克·帕拉迪諾 Erik Palladino 飾),成為了他最得意的門生,嚴重威脅到了裴森等人的地位,面對這樣一匹黑馬,三個女孩會做出怎樣的應對呢?
5.0 性與暴力第二季
2015 美國簡介:This is just a meijubar.net mini series. That sucks bad. This show is by far the most sexiest show on TV right know,It has girl on girl sex,guy on guy sex,girl on guy sex. The violence has more of a real aspect to it then the other crap cop shows like ncis/law and order..etc.. And its Canadian Support the Canadian film making folks. I'm very upset there is not a huge season of ... -
10.0 性與暴力第三季
2017 美國簡介:This is just a meijubar.net mini series. That sucks bad. This show is by far the most sexiest show on TV right know,It has girl on girl sex,guy on guy sex,girl on guy sex. The violence has more of a real aspect to it then the other crap cop shows like ncis/law and order..etc.. And its Canadian Support the Canadian film making folks. I'm very upset there is not a huge season of ... -
3.0 雪國列車(劇版)第二季
2.0 特工疑云第一季
7.0 特工疑云第二季
2.0 女當家第二季